After the Chou conquest of the Shang by King Wu 武, the “possessor of the four quarters (ssu-fang 四方)”, they followed the will of King Wu to establish a bureaucratic center of the four quarters, referred to as “Ch\u27eng Chou 成周” or “Chung-kuo 中国”.What did the word “ch\u27eng” mean to the contemporary when it was used in the name “Ch\u27eng Chou”? This article attempts to answer this question not by analyzing the inherent meaning of the word ch\u27eng itself but by its actual uses in the Western Chou bronze inscriptions.It has been found that in terms of broad categorization there are following two usages: (1) the word ch\u27eng appears in the inscriptions dealing with the appeasement of “international” strifes among the “four quarters” and ...